Operational Plan


  1. The Organization will open and manage its Headquarters Office in the city of Miami, Florida, in order coordinate its activities, including creating, running and supporting programs and activities to protect, rescue and restore bird habitats throughout the Americas. This is part of a Regional Initiative. The Organization will begin official operations once it has received a Letter of Determination issued by the Internal Revenue Service.

  2. The Organization will set-up an administrative and operational body headed by the Executive Director; and will create several key departments, in order to accomplish its Objectives. Likewise, it will create a group of volunteers, who will assist in achieving the purposes and goals of the Organization as well as promoting and expanding ecological awareness throughout the Americas.

  3. The Organization will establish public relations with Governments, Local Governments, Educational and Scientific Organizations. These will include the United States Government, the United States National Congress, the Canadian Government, the Canadian House of Parliament, the State of Florida, the Province of British Columbia, the Florida Chamber of Commerce, the British Columbia Chamber of Commerce, Environment Canada, the Audubon Society, the National Museum of Natural History, the National Geographic Society, the Smithsonian Institution, the Organization of American States, the World Bank, the Inter-American Development Bank, the National Science Foundation, etc. This activity will begin immediately after Determination of Exempt Status is granted. Public relations will be a crucial part, in order to achieve the official and financial support for the different projects the Organization will develop throughout the Americas to protect our forest birds and their environment.

  4. The Organization will create a Solicitation Department; which will begin working immediately after official notification of registration has been received. This department will develop a data bank of all donors and contributors, and will work closely with the Executive Director’s Office. This will be implemented after determination of exempt status is granted.

  5. The Organization will contact all Non Government Organizations currently working in projects in Latin America, and specially those which are involved with bird populations and habitats, to coordinate and assist in these projects as part of a Regional Conservation Plan for the Americas. In order to make this possible, the Organization will create a Public Relations Department. This will be implemented after determination of exempt status is granted.

  6. The Organization will create an Evaluations Department, whose main purpose will be the review and analysis of proposed conservation projects, and study their feasibility in order to seek possible funding for their execution, follow-up and evaluation. This will be implemented after determination of exempt status is granted.

  7. The Organization will create a Public Relations Department, which will contact local and foreign governments and environmental organizations. This will be necessary in order to gather as much information as possible about conservation programs currently being carried out in Central and South America and their status, in order to produce an inventory of projects with which we can participate and assist. This will be done as soon as determination has been granted and the work will be performed in the headquarters office in Miami, Florida.

  8. The Organization will create an Accounting Department, which will handle all the Financial and Accounting Records; as well as provide input in financial matters including the Annual Operation Budget, Payroll, etc. This will be implemented after determination of exempt status is granted.

  9. Once the Organization has established itself and the adequate funding exists, a Comprehensive Study of the Status of Migratory Forest Birds Populations will be conducted. This will be done in association with the Audubon Society, and several NGOs from Latin America in, order to produce a Regional Protection Plan which will cover their summer and winter homes; and to make it possible to implement measures to protect the most threatened species. Part of this plan will include the purchase of land in Latin America for conservation purposes and in cooperation with local NGOs, who will also assist in managing these areas while promoting environmental education. We would like to be able to manage and protect 250.000 square kilometers (155.000 square miles) or 25 million hectares (62 million acres), over a period of 10 years in 30 countries. Implementation is expected to begin in 2002.

  10. The Organization will assist other environmental organizations by establishing an Exchange Program, between scholars and scientists from the U.S. and Canada, and counterparts from Latin America. Together we will try to identify the causes to the complex problem of the loss of migratory forest bird populations and their habitats; and look for possible solutions. This will have to take into account their summer and winter ranges; which will involve International Cooperation. This posse a complex problem and it will most likely be addressed on a single species basis. This exchange program initiative is to be implemented in 2002.

  11. The Organization will conduct a series of workshops and seminars throughout North America and Latin America; in order to promote conservation and ecological awareness; and to address the importance that birds play in our lives and the environment. These are to be implemented in 2002.

  12. The Organization will contact Federal and State Agencies, and International Organizations; in order to support their conservation efforts and assist in programs such as population surveys, research projects, re-introduction and re-establishment projects, captive breeding programs, etc. These are to be implemented in 2002.